Wednesday, August 20, 2008


“Bugoy, are you okay?” Laarni asked as their car sped down EDSA. Beulah has been quiet ever since he came back from the rest room. His head was deep in thought. Sen was sucking Van.

“Hey!” Laarni nudged Beulah with her elbow. She swerved the car to avoid a bus which stopped in front of them. “Are you okay?”

Beulah smiled. He knew telling Laarni what he saw would only complicate the situation. He never thought that those two had a special bond deeper than friendship. He was devastated. He used to be part of the brotherhood of the three, but an incident forced him to sever ties with Sen and Van. Though they were now friends, the level closeness they had prior to the incident never returned.

The radio in Laarni’s car suddenly blurted a familiar song-REO Speedwagon’s Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore.

“La?” Beulah said, turning towards Laarni. She raised her eyebrows in recognition of her name. “I have a hypothetical question.”

“Shoot!” Laarni said as she honked the horn of her Honda CR-V. Outside, a pedestrian crossed the street. Beulah took a deep breath.

“Suppose you have a friend.” he began. “Let’s say this friend is in a commitment. Yet he has been unfaithful. You accidentally caught them in the act. What would you do?”

“Well, it would depend. Let’s say it would destroy the marriage if the other part found out. I would not tell it right away. What I would do is I would talk to my friend and ask him about it. Otherwise, I would just stay out of it. Some problems should be left within their relationship.”

Beulah sat back in his seat. The purple car parked infront of an apartment in Tramo, Pasay City.

“So?” Laarni added. “Do I know this friend?”

“Nah. A colleague from theater.” Beulah replied as he got off Laarni’s car.

* * *

Van took a long puff of his cigarette. This night has been nothing short of magical. Aside from getting in touch with old friends, he has been able to rekindle his bond with Sen. As he blew out smoke, a smile came across his face.

The message alert tone of his cellphone beeped. He picked up his phone and opened its inbox. It was from Sen: THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL EVENING. SEE YOU SOON.

He turned on the ignition of his Expedition.

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