Thursday, August 21, 2008


“Hansen!” Van exclaimed. Cris turned around to see her husband standing behind her. She stood up and planted a kiss on her lips.

“Sen, Van’s joining us for dinner, I hope you won’t mind.”

“Of course he won’t!” Van answered. “Right Sen?” He wanted to hit Van at that instant. The nerve of this guy! Obviously, he can’t do it in front of Cris lest she suspect something. Left without a choice, he nodded.

Sen sat down beside Cris, directly opposite Van. He gave a cold stare towards Van, but the younger man just deflected it with his trademark smirk.

“So how’s your career going? I heard you have a new soap coming.” Cris asked.

“Yeah. They’re trying to break me away from matinee idol image. Actually they’re asking me to work out. I think there will be a love scene. They’re also planning a new album.”

“Wow! Seems like good breaks are coming towards you. You are so lucky.”

“Well, not in the matters of the heart.” Van smiled, eyeing Sen.

“But then, you have Bea.” Sen replied. “Well, Cris told me.”

Van let out a laugh.

“Who knows I might find someone else. If I find the right person for me, I will leave showbiz. I would want a quiet life for the person I love, free from the klieg lights.”

“That seems easier said than done.” Cris said. “Especially if this has been your life.”

“I still yearn for the quiet life once in a while.” Van explained. “There are still days that I wish to give this all up and be with the people I love. I want to be devoted to my family, for it to be strong. Like yours.”

Cris smiled. Sen hid a cringe.

“I really admire your relationship. It’s as solid as a rock.” Van grinned.

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