Monday, August 25, 2008


In another restaurant, Hansen sat nervously. He drank a shot glass of tequila then poured himself another one.

“Take it easy with that.” A voice behind him said. Hansen turned around a saw figure dressed in a gray one piece button down dress. A black belt accents her waist. Her hair neatly tied into a side pony-tail.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I just happened to be around.” Laarni said, sitting across him. “Now come on, what’s the problem?”

“It’s no use explaining. It’s a long story.” Sen said.

“Try me?” Laarni replied. “Is this about Van?”

“How did you know? An astonished Sen asked.

“Let’s just say a guardian angel told me.” Laarni smiled.

“Bugoy.” Sen said. Who else would have known? “Cris found out.”


“What do you mean and?”

“I mean, what happened.”

“We had this huge fight. Honestly right now, I don’t know what to do?”

“What do you feel towards her? Towards Van?” Laarni asked.

“In all the years I’ve been married to Cris, I have learned to love her. She is the mother of my child. I thought I have forgotten about Van, but when he showed up, the bottled up feelings just erupted.” Sen broke down to tears. Laarni held his hand.

“Listen to me.” She started. “You have to be strong. Why don’t you go talk to Van.”

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