Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The black Ford Expedition parked in front of 83 Maria Cristina St., Ayala Alabang Village.

“I really had a great time.” Bea said, looking at Van.

“I’m glad you did.” Van said, offering a sheepish smile. “Hopefully this will not be the last time.”

“Certainly, it won’t.” Bea said. Van leaned over to Bea. He hovered there for a moment before letting his lips touch hers. Bea, at first was surprised, but she warmed up to the feeling. However, Van pulled away. Bea just stared at Van as he put on his killer smile. Slowly, he moved in again, this time more passionate. Bea reciprocated, feeling the insides of Van’s mouth. The kiss lasted longer.

“You better go inside.” Van said, pulling away from Bea. She opened the door of the Expedition and got off.

“Thank you.” She smiled. Van nodded in recognition.

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