Wednesday, August 27, 2008


“Laarni, I need your advice.” Sen said as he paced behind his office desk. Laarni sipped her white mocha latte as she watched Sen paced back and forth. “I’m really, really confused.” After their encounter at the restaurant, Laarni has become a constant ear who could listen to his problems, especially the latest storm brewing in his life.

“Torn between rivers?” Laarni asked. Sen nodded.

“I want to be with Van but I have to be with Cris.” Sen said as he stood behind his desk.

“Hansen, love is about making a choice and taking the risk. Someone is always bound to get hurt. Look at bugoy.” Laarni explained. “He fell in love with you, and he got hurt.”

“Well, I got hurt with what he did.” Sen said. “I trusted him.” Laarni fell silent.

“Trust is betting on an unknown. Even if you never know what it holds, you have to bet on it. The same with love.” Laarni explained. “I have no right to tell you stay with Cris or be with Van. I’m not the one living with them. It’s only you who can decide.”

She approached Sen and gave him a hug. He felt thankful that Laarni was there. Evrsince they left the academy, she had been a wonderful confidante. Even if he had not told her the entire truth, she still understood and gave the most sensible piece of advice.

He knew now what to do.

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