Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Cris entered the Ladies bathroom and slammed the door shut. She bolted the lock and then rushed to the sink. She studied herself in the mirror. Her left cheek was red and puffed up. There was a small gash as well. Bea’s ring had hit her and made a shallow wound.

She felt a rising anger inside her. She got the tissue dispenser from the counter and hurled it to the floor, followed by a blood-curdling scream. Tears were now flowing freely. He has got everything she has held dear- her friends, her family, Sen. Where was the Van she was fond of? What happened to him?

If he was hell bent on destroying her, he had been successful. She was broken, alone, and and cold.

Van’s words echoed in her ears, Revenge is a dish best served cold.

* * *
“Hello Van?” Sen asked as he sat on behind his office desk.

“Sen” Van replied at the other end of the line.

“Bea came here this morning, she had a tiff with Cris.” Sen informed.

“Oh really, what about?” Van asked, sounding innocent.

“I think Bea saw you and Cris talking. She said you two were having an affair.”

“Really?” A smile crept across Van’s face.

“Anyway, I called to tell you I have made my decision.”

“about what?”

“your offer.”

“Oh.” At the other end of the line, Van listened intently as Hansen made his decision.

“Okay. I understand.” Van said. “We’ll keep in touch.” He said as he put the phone down. He took a puff of his cigarette and looked out the window. Outside, the sun was setting, the shadows cast a sinister figure on his face.

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