Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Cristina took a sip of scotch as she watched Louie play at the floor. What is this family coming to? She thought.

Dinner with Liezel and Bea was an awkward as Bea and Cris were trying to play an under-the-table cat-and-mouse game. Liezel had made reservations for the three of them to catch a movie, but the tension made her bail out.

Now, she sits alone in her house. It’s no longer a home. She heard the horn of Sen’s BMW, followed by the clanking of the gates. A minute later, Sen emerged from the side door.

“Well, well, well. Look who’s finally home.” Cris said, standing up. Sen approacher her to kiss but she deliberately avoided his face. “So, how was your day?”

Sen deliberately ignored her and went to Louie. He picked up Louie and carried her up the stairs.

* * *
Bea took a sip of wine as she sat by the bar of Akademya. She too had bailed out on Liezel’s scheduled movie date. A figure in red approached her. She turned around and stared at the figure.

“Hi.” Van greeted, planting a kiss on Bea’s cheek.

“So, tell me about Cris.” Bea said as Van sat on the empty stool beside him. He beckoned the waiter and ordered a glass of scotch.


“Cris talked to me the other day.” Van said as the waiter brought the glass of scotch. He took a swig then placed the glass down. “She told me that she’s in love with me.”

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