Thursday, August 21, 2008


“What are you doing?” Sen asked in an angry whisper.

“Relax.” Van replied. He took out a stick of Marlboro from his pocket and put it in his mouth. Cris had gone to the ladies room to freshen up.
Dinner was quite interesting, especially for Sen. While above the table, everything seemed perfectly normal, underneath, Van’s foot was playing with Sen’s legs. Sen had difficulty eating, much to the amusement of Van.

“Why are you here?”

“I just happened to be in the neighborhood. I bumped into Cris and she invited me.” He lit the cigarette and took a puff.

“How did you get here so fast?” Sen inquired.

“Shortcuts.” Van smiled. Sen reached across the table and grabbed him by the collar.

“Are you insane? You almost got us caught.”

“Hansen,” Van said blowing smoke into Sen’s face. “It’s the look of guilt that make people get caught. Act fine and Cris won’t notice a thing.”

Sen looked around and spotted Cris as she stepped out of the ladies’ room. He let go of Van’s collar and fixed his shirt.

“So what have you been talking about?” Cris asked as she sat down beside her husband. Sen was silent as he looked at Van with a don’t-you-dare look.

“Oh nothing, guy stuff.” Van smiled.

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