Friday, August 22, 2008


“Bugoy, if it’s bothering you all that much why don’t you talk to them.” Laarni suggested as Beulah hurriedly put on lash exact mascara on his eyes. Beulah did not mind Laarni’s suggestion as he continued putting on his make-up. He adjusted his pink sequined bikini.

“Are you even listening to me?” Laarni asked as she paced around the backstage of the Manila Film Center.

“La, it’s easier said than done.” Beulah said as he stood up and proceeded to a mannequin wearing a pink feathery headdress.

“Why? I thought you’re close to Hansen. I think you should really talk to him.” Laarni insisted. Beulah removed the headdress from the mannequin and put it on his head. He adjusted the strap under his chin.
“I was close to Hansen and Van.” Beulah said. “But something happened. The relationship’s been tarnished since.”

“Well, I’m sure it’s water under the bridge” Laarni explained as she adjusted Beulah’s headdress.

“It’s more complicated than that. It began in the academy.” Beulah narrated. As the events unfolded, Laarni realized that the past was more colorful than she could ever imagine.

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