Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The sound of clacking heels disturbed Cris’ afternoon slumber as she slept inside her office in Talentado. The door opened and Bea Munoz came rushing in.

“Hello Cris.” She greeted calmly. Cris was about to greet back, when suddenly, she felt Bea’s palm against her left cheek. She was surprised.

“Bitch! What was that for?” She shouted. The employees were beginning to look at the events unfolding through the glass partition. Hansen and Laarni emerged from the upstairs office.

“I thought you were a friend.” Bea screamed. “You’re a snake!”

“What?” Cris reacted.

“Van told me everything” Bea replied. “How you tried to seduce him, how you offered yourself to him.” Cris was shocked.

“What the hell?! I never did any of those!” Cris said. Hansen and Laarni were now outside the door.

“You know what, forget the friendship! I should have believed everything that they said about you in the Academy. You are a slut! A whore! A tramp!” This time it was Cris’ palm that met Bea’s cheek.

“What’s going on here?” Hansen asked as he and Laarni entered Cris’ office. Bea just gave a cold stare to Cris, then to Hansen then left.

“Are you okay?” Sen asked Cris. She pushed him away then stormed out of the office as well.

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