Wednesday, August 27, 2008


“Van!” a voice roused Van from his sleep. There was heavy pounding of wood. His head throbbed. Slowly, he got up and wrapped the blanket around his waist. He walked towards the door and opened it.

Sen pushed the door open and entered Van’s unit.

“I had been waiting for you all night? Where were you?” Sen asked.

“I, uh, fell asleep.” Van lied.

“Conveniently in the nude.” Sen said looking at Van. “I waited for you until sunrise infront of PDA.”

“Listen, Sen. I fell asleep. I-“

“Van?” a female voice screamed out. Sen looked at the direction of the bedroom, then to Van. The bedroom door opened.

“Who’s that?” Sen froze.

At the doorway stood Bea, wearing Van’s shirt. Sen felt the world closing in on him, so this was the reason why Van did not meet him, he had a rendezvous with Bea. All the anger was building up within him now. He looked at Van, who was smirking. That was the last straw, his fist landed on Van’s cheek.

He bolted out of the unit.

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