Thursday, August 21, 2008


Beulah Jay scooped up a ladle full of sinigang ang poured it in his bowl. He then reached for his spoon.

“Bugoy, why so quiet?” Laarni asked as she forked some sautéed stringbeans into her mouth. The two were having dinner at the Seaside Restaurant in Macapagal Boulevard, a stone’s throw away from the Amazing Philippine Theater and Laarni’s Roxas Boulevard penthouse loft.

Beulah put down his spoon and smiled.

“Nothing, why?”

“It’s just not like you to be quiet. You’re usually full of joie de vivre.”

Beulah let out a sigh.

“Is it that friend of yours again?” Laarni inquired further. He nodded. “Well, I told you let them solve their problems. Unless you are too close to them.”

“La… the friend I was telling you about. It’s Hansen.” Beulah casually said. Laarni dropped her fork.

“What?” Laarni asked.

“It’s Hansen. The friend who’s involved with the another person.” Laarni’s jaws dropped.

“Have you told anyone about it?” she managed to ask. Beulah shook his head. “How did you find out?”

“It was an accident. I almost walked in on them.” Beulah explained.

“Maybe they were just doing something, like playing chess?” Laarni suggested.

“They were in a compromising position when I saw them. He was down there doing something.”

“Did you see the girl’s face? Do we know her?”

“Him.” Beulah said with finality. “Hansen’s whore is a guy.” Laarni’s jaw dropped again.

“What? Hansen is cheating on Cris with a guy?” Beulah nodded.

“And yes you know the guy. Brace yourself.” Laarni took a deep breath.

“It’s Van.”

Laarni felt herself shrinking in her chair. This was the night when all skeletons were thrown out of the closet.

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