Saturday, August 23, 2008


Sen took a deep breath. He raised his hand and pressed on the doorbell. Earlier during the day, as he was preparing to head home, he received a call from Van beckoning him to come over. Like a mad, driver, he made the dash from Quezon City to Libis in less than 15 minutes.

The knob turned. The door slid backward to reveal a dimly lit receiving area. Half of Van’s face emerged from the door.

“Come in.” He motioned. Sen entered the door to see Van dressed only in a dark blue towel. Sen walked towards the living room, but Van motioned him to come into the bedroom. In the bedroom, Sen stood in the middle of the room, Van behind him. He unbuttoned Sen’s shirt and let it slide from his arms.

He proceeded to the front of the older man, and placed his hand on Sen’s neck. He pulled Sen closer, their lips touched.

Immediately, a sharp pain hit Van’s left cheek. His face was numb.

“Fuck!What was that for?” Van asked Sen. Sen’s hand was still in the air, the whiplash of the slap still stinging his palm.

“I was at the restaurant yesterday.” Sen said. “Taping my ass.”

Instead of feeling remorse, Van let out a laugh.

“So I lied. I had to appease Bea too. It was just a date.” Van explained. “Anyway, you’re here with me. Bea’s not. So why not make the most out of it?” He approached Hansen again and kissed him, more passionately this time. Hansen, put his hand on his shoulder, trying to push down Van. The younger man, fought against his push.

“Wait, I don’t suck..” Van said, pulling away from Sen.

“You used to.” Sen persisted. “Come on, just this once.”

“People change, Sen. I don’t go down there anymore. Now, do you want to get this?” He took off the towel revealing his nakedness. He approached Hansen again. Hansen fell to his knees, he placed his hands on Van’s hips and engorged himself on Van.

Van moved backward, Sen followed. Van did the routine again, Sen followed yet again. A smile crept upon his face as he raised his hands to savor the moment.

This is the ultimate submission, he thought. Sen is now in the palm of my hands.

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